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E3 2009: Two New Mario Games for Wii

.hmmessage P {margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Nintendo announced the sequel to [i]Super Mario Galaxy[/i].  [i]Super Mario Galaxy 2[/i] on the Wii looks to feature the same control scheme, gameplay, and overall visual style from the first game will adding in different elements to keep things fresh.  For example Mario is able to freeze water in water based levels and worlds, while in other spots Mario seems to be able to add plant life to barren places.  One big gameplay change though is the addition of Yoshi to [i]Super Mario Galaxy[/i].  It looks like Yoshi will give Mario abilities like flying , fire, and speed, but more concrete details will available soon.

Also announced was a new [i]Super Mario Bros.[/i] game for the Wii.  The new games looks to stay with Mario's roots and is more of a 2D sidescroller.  Some areas shown were an underwater level, a sand level, sky levels, and castles.  There also looks to be new abilities/suits for Mario, and co-op.

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