Hogwarts Legacy is the up-and-coming game from the highly regarded Harry Potter franchise. Developed by Avalanche Games and published by the kings of media, Warner Bros under their Portkey Games label. Unless you have been living under a rock, in a cave, or on the International Space Station for the last decade, you will undoubtedly know that Hogwarts is the magical School for Wizardry from the books and their movie adaptations.

JK Rowling’s character whipped the world into unprecedented levels of excitement about the boy who is now the figurehead of the highly regarded franchise, Harry Potter. Whether you’re a Potterhead (fan of Mr. Potter and friends) or a Muggle (a non-fan, apparently), the cards are on the table for a game that will leave you spellbound as you navigate your way through the visually stunning world.
The Graphical Charm of Hogwarts Legacy
While the teaser trailer lives up to its name and shows us very little of what lays ahead, there’s no missing the beautifully crafted world in which the game is to take place. With Hogwarts Legacy only set to come out on current generation systems (Xbox Series X and PlayStation), we can expect the new (to consoles) technology, Ray Tracing, to play an integral part in setting the scene for the latest game in the much-loved Harry Potter franchise.
“An Immersive RPG”
Not my words but those of Avalanche Games themselves and these are words I will take to my grave; or the release date, whichever comes first. As vague as these words are, it is hopeful that Hogwarts Legacy will feature a deep element of exploration. Because of the era the game takes place (circa. 1800), it’s unlikely we will be running into any of the characters from the books, or indeed the movies. However, seeing as though the magical world of Harry Potter doesn’t abide by real-world laws of possibility, so anything is possible, really.

While the chances of seeing the characters we know and love are small, Avalanche Games have confirmed there will be familiar locations to explore and revisit, with Hogwarts Castle, Hogsmede, and The Forbidden Forest being but three of the confirmed places (thanks, trailer).
The ‘RPG’ element of this statement speaks for itself and leaves very little room for speculation. We’re delighted with the promise of “an Immersive RPG” hailing from the hit franchise alone. There’s nothing out there that quite has the ability to draw you into the world like a good-old-fashioned RPG mechanic. Leveling up your character and abilities (of which we are still unaware of the details) is a great way to encourage exploration and doing side quests. And, we believe, the world of Harry Potter has what it takes to bring something magically special to the RPG table.
The trailer is packed to the brim with hints that Hogwarts Legacy will focus heavily on difficult choices; with your decisions having a real impact on how the game pans out. Something that seems trivial when first encountered could lead to disastrous conclusions as you push further into your journey.
Everything about Hogwarts Legacy radiates with the magical energy, so unique to Harry Potter. From the aesthetically outstanding visuals to the very thought of exploring a world with as many wonders, as we have previously seen from the books; the movies, and, of course, the many games that adorn our shelves today.

The whole “immersive RPG” aspect has further piqued our interests and can only let our imaginations run wild with the sort of treasures that Hogwarts Legacy will unearth. Sadly, however, we have a long wait in front of us. Hogwarts Legacy launches in 2022.