Set before the events of the highly anticipated console game, Lost PlanetTM for the mobile phone features an original a story set against the backdrop of the mysterious frozen planet. As Gale, the father of the hero in the console version, players must engage in frenetic combat and negotiate vast frozen cities and landscapes on their quest armed with ever more powerful weapons. Played from a three-quarter isometric perspective, players will encounter and do battle with many of the series' signature inhabitants including snow pirates and the mysterious Akrids.
To assist in their mission, players will have access to all manner of handheld weapons including sub-machine guns, gatling guns, energy weapons and grenades. Additionally, players will be able to take command of a devastatingly powerful vital suit with enough armor and firepower to go toe-to-toe with the most hostile denizens of the lost planet
Akrids in the game are as varied and dangerous as the weaponry. Over the course of Lost Planet players will encounter enemies that attack from the air, ambush their prey from the security of snow fields or charge head-on with deadly effect. Additionally, players will come face=to-face with several boss creatures with powers and abilities far beyond that of the typical Akrid
Thermal energy plays a critical roll in the player's survival in Lost Planet. Over time cold will slowly sap the player's thermal rating. When their energy level reaches zero it becomes terminal. Players can replenish their energy by exploring the map to find hidden stashes or by killing enemies that drop thermal energy
Lost Planet will also feature several networks options