When I think of Metal Gear I think of a middle aged man crawling around air ducts and talking about things that may or may not be happening. Granted, the more that the series went on the more that it quickly began to resemble a third person action game; the fact remains that there was always a certain degree of stealth and convolution based dialog to be had. Rising seems to ask the question what would happen to the series if they got rid of everything besides the brain twisting plot, used one of the least liked characters and made the game with left overs from the first Bayonetta game.
For a game that came out earlier last year it holds up surprising well on the PC, a nice touch is that all of the DLC and assorted additional pre-order content has been included with this release making it pretty much the definitive version of the game. Considering that it is offered, at the moment, on Steam for roughly 30 dollars it is hard to not be excited about the game finally hitting the platform—even if it is a tad bit late. It is also a nice addition that the game does a little more than just the bare minimum in the way of ports as well as resolution and sound aren’t the only toggles that can play played around with.
It is nice that more and more Japanese games are finding their way out on the PC platform, something that American companies seemed to have finally caved to in the last couple of years, but it would have also been great if this game came out at the same time instead of forcing those playing the much superior PC to have to wait almost a year. If you already played Rising on Xbox 360 or PS3 you don’t need to re-purchase this game although the cheaper price point makes this action packed cybog adventure all the more enjoyable.
For a more in depth review check out Zack’s review of Rising on the PS3 along with the DLC.
Check out our live stream of Rising here: