Just in time to ring in the new gaming year in style, TheVideoGameSwap.com has opened its doors to the web-surfing gaming public. TheVideoGameSwap is one of the first of its kind, offering gamers an opportunity to buy, sell, or even trade video games for a huge variety of systems. They have everything available from previous generations of consoles to PC games, as well as accessories, in an auction-type format.
According to owner Erik Nilsen, ?TheVideoGameSwap.com gives the video gamer more value for their game. ?I so often hear gamers upset that when they trade in their game at a local video game store that they never get the real value of what they thought it was worth. Then I see it on the shelf the next day for double or sometimes triple what they gave me.? Hopefully TheVideoGameSwap.com will be a way for gamers to get the most bang for their used game buck if they find places like EB Games and Gamestop not to their liking.
If you want to check them out, head over to http://www.thevideogameswap.com.