Scream VI is the direct sequel to 2022’s reboot of the iconic slasher saga. Garnering over $45,000,000 in opening weekend box office sales and netting a gross of over $170 million, the sixth installment has been officially heralded as the most successful Scream movie to date. With the original director, Wes Craven, having sadly passed […]
A new and exciting game type joins the popular Pretty Girls series! Pretty Girls 2048 Strike is a slide puzzle battle game where you move and combine number blocks to increase their damage counter. By sliding the blocks against enemies, you reduce their health points and work to clear them from the board as fast […]
Although there is plenty of slow walking, Arye and the Crystal Comet isn’t a walking simulator – it is more of a flying simulator. There is no way to die but at least there are plenty of things to collect… if you can stomach the impossible control. A generic story is given to the player […]
Taking the block breaking gameplay of classic Arkanoid and mixing it with the competitive matching mechanic of Bust-A-Move, Gematombe is a unique pick-up-and-play $15 downloadable title that is pleasantly surprising. Made by a small indie team and published by Ratalaika Games, this smashing take on block busting gameplay is simple, fun, but still has some […]
Welcome to the cute and satisfying world of Color Pals, where brainteasing puzzles meet simple single-screen platforming fun! Enjoy 50 stages of hue-based trickery as you take the role of a colored cube and navigate 2D maze-like levels to reach a portal on the far side. But be careful! You can only touch walls, floors, […]