Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg,
the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert
Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the
original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new
features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and
expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as
revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game.
Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length,
open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from
the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in
1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the
epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns
depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and
the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing
16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers,
Partisans and Amphibious Transports.
Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg
as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create
or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules,
research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system
to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game
circumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control,
change and create as you wish!