Street Fighter 6 (PC/Console) Preview
A perfect gelling of old and new
Stunning graphics
Punches you can almost feel
World Tour mode
Smooth gameplay
Street Fighter 7, please?
With Street Fighter 6 soon to be released, fans of the long-established franchise will already be lacing up their gloves in preparation for the June 2, 2023 release date. To add to the collective excitement and widespread anticipation, the much-loved beat ’em up series will this time be roundhousing its way to both Xbox and PC.

Street Fighter 6 Demo Out Now
If you’re lucky enough to be the proud owner of a PlayStation 5, then you won’t have to wait to get a chance to get hands-on with Street Fighter 6. The demo was released on Sony’s platform on April 21. Xbox Series S/X owners will be able to try out the game for themselves on April 26.
The Street Fighter 6 demo will grant access to the first part of the ‘World Tour’ game mode. During the limited play, you will have the chance to discover the wonders of Metro City and create your own avatar. Any progress made while playing the demo will be carried over, should you decide to buy the full game.

Street Fighter 6 Crossplay Confirmed
It has been confirmed by Capcom that Street Fighter 6 will support crossplay. Just like we saw with Street Fighter 5, crossplay will not only offer a massively increased player base – reducing matchmaking times – but also give people a chance to connect with friends on different platforms and play together.
Street Fighter 6 Gameplay and Graphics
Everything about Street Fighter 6 is bold, brash, and beautiful. With a generous serving of new locations to punch each other’s lights out in, each backdrop is presented in gloriously rich graphics and eye-catching style. This style carries through to the characters; semi-realistic and semi-caricature, the fighters of Street Fighter 6 are a shining testament to the power of 9th-generation gaming.

The awesomeness that Steet Fighter 6 exudes from its pores doesn’t stop at the beautifully crafted graphical styling, however. Finely tweaked and tuned hitstops, coupled with meaty collision sound effects give an almost tangible feeling of brawn and power with each hit.
Fans of old will be happy to hear that Street Fighter 6 is once again home to the beloved arcade mode we remember from ‘back in the day’. Completing this mode with any character will unlock a piece of concept art and, of course, bragging rights will come to those that finish with all of the characters.
If the arcade mode is a little too ‘arcade-y’ for your tastes, then drop into the World Tour mode where you can create your own avatar and explore the city. With a good selection of multiplayer modes to append to these, there really is something for everyone in this upcoming beat ’em up.
The Nostalgic Charm of Street Fighter 6
Despite Street Fighter 6 being lightyears ahead of the original games, they have still included some of the original fighters and bonus stages to add nostalgic charm for all lifelong fans of the groundbreaking franchise. We won’t spoil things for you by dropping any names, but

Street Fighter 6 Summary
As a nineties kid, the Street Fighter franchise has always been close to my heart. As with any remake or new addition to an old franchise, it was met with apprehension, gelled confusingly with more than a smidgen of excitement.
After playing Street Fighter 6, however, any traces of apprehension were replaced quickly with a strong sense of relief; the game not only met our early expectations but surpassed them to great extents.
Street Fighter 6 is like a Hundred Arm Slap to the senses and a prime example of how to mix the old with the new.